Step #1

Click here to reveal the "Users And Teams" sub-menu.

Step #2

Click here to add a new "User".

Step #3

Click "Create User"

Step #4

Click Arrow Key To Select A "Team"

Step #5

Enter "Hourly Rate" (Optional)

Step #6

Enter " First Name"

Step #7

Enter "Last Name"

Step #8

Select "Primary Role"

Step #9

Employees are not paid users of the database. Any non-users of the database that need to be assigned training must be created as Employees here.

Step #10

Select "Existing Employee Profile"

Step #11

Enter "Email Address"

Step #12

Enter "Phone Number"

Step #13

Select "Timezone"

Step #14

Enter "Notes"

Step #15

Click "Create User"

Step #16

Once a user is created, an Employee Profile is created and linked.