Step #1

Click here to add a new "Supplier".

Step #2

Click "Create Supplier".

Step #3

Enter "Supplier Name".

Step #4

Select a "Status".

Step #5

Select whether they are a "Critical Supplier" (Optional).

Step #6


Step #7

Enter "Primary Contact".

Step #8

Enter "Primary Contact Email".

Step #9

Enter "Primary Contact Phone"

Step #10

Enter "Contact Role".

Step #11

Enter "Additional Contact" (Optional).

Step #12

Enter "Secondary Contact Email" (Optional).

Step #13

Enter "Secondary Contact Phone" (Optional).

Step #14

Enter "Secondary Role" (Optional).

Step #15

Select whether certificate is required.

Step #16

Select whether the latest certificate was received.

Step #17

Click "Add Certificate" (Optional)

Step #18

Upload any files or documents related to this supplier (Optional).

Step #19

Enter any additional notes for "Quality Department" (Optional).

Step #20

Enter any additional notes for the "Quality Policy" (Optional).

Step #21

Enter any additional notes for the "Quality Procedure" (Optional).

Step #22

Any additional notes (Optional).

Step #23

Click "Create Supplier" to save your new supplier.

Step #24

Your new supplier should be display in the list below here.

Step #25

Alternatively, you can search for them by name here.