Step #1

Click here to create a Template/Specification

Step #2

Click here to create Template.

Step #3

Enter a name for your Template or click "Copy Existing" to edit an existing Template.

Step #4

Enter an ID/Number for your Template.

Step #5

Select a "Product Number" from the existing list of products or Click "Product" or "Activity" to add a new product/activity that you want to be linked to this list.

Step #6


Step #7

Attach files relevant to the Template (Optional).

Step #8

Enter "Revision Level" (Optional).

Step #9

Enter "Revision Date" (Optional).

Step #10

Edit your copied characteristics to match the new specification lists' needs.

Step #11

Enter additional characteristics for this specification list.

Step #12

Select whether you want this characteristic to be optional during the inspection.

Step #13

Select whether you want this characteristic to be optional during the inspection.

Step #14

Hover over this box and a pencil will appear. Clicking on it will allow you change the name of the titles of this template.

Step #15

Enter the "Characteristic" you want to measure or observe.

Step #16


Step #17

Enter the "Operation"

Step #18


Step #19

Enter the "Quantity" or "Nominal Dimensions".

Step #20

Select the "Unit" of measure for this characteristic.

Step #21

This is the "Tolerance" for this characteristic.

Step #22

Select the "Inspection Method" (Optional).

Step #23

Choose a piece of "Equipment" (Optional).

Step #24

Click "Download Template" to download the specifications list template.

Step #25

Click "Save".

Step #26


Step #27

Complete the same steps for the next characteristics you want to add to this list.

Step #28

Click here to "Add New Template".

Step #29

Click Approve.

Step #30

Click "New Revision"

Step #31

Click Continue

Step #32

You can switch between revisions.

Step #33

Click here for the latest approved revision.