Step #1

Click here

Step #2

Click here to access the "Risk Management" module.

Step #3

Click here to create your report.

Step #4

Select the "Report Type".

Step #5

Select the "Report Type".

Step #6

Enter "Report Number".

Step #7

Enter your "Report Number".

Step #8

Click here to add an "Owner".

Step #9

Add an "Owner" to this report (Optional).

Step #10

Click here to add a "Subscriber".

Step #11

Add a "Subscriber" to your report (Optional).

Step #12

Enter "Print #".

Step #13

Enter "Plan #".

Step #14

Enter "Rev #".

Step #15

Enter "Rev #".

Step #16

Enter "FMEA #".

Step #17

Enter "Form #".

Step #18

Enter "Item".

Step #19

Enter "Company Name".

Step #20

Enter "Core Team".

Step #21

Enter "Package Size".

Step #22

Enter who this was prepared by

Step #23

Select the "Part".

Step #24

Enter the "Last Review Date"

Step #25

Follow your HACCP guidelines and complete your "HACCP Items".

Step #26

Enter "Frequency"

Step #27

Enter the "Process Step".

Step #28

Select the "Duration"

Step #29

Enter "CCP Hazard Number".

Step #30

Enter "Next Review Date"

Step #31

Select the "Hazard Type".

Step #32

Click here to view guidelines on how to fill our the "PFMEA Items" report.

Step #33

Enter "Hazard Description".

Step #34

Click Next when...

Step 35

Enter "Critical Limits".

Step 36

Click x

Step 37

Enter "Monitoring Procedures".

Step 38

Add the "Process Function Requirements" for your "PFMEA Item".

Step 39

Enter "Deviation Procedures".

Step 40

Enter the "Potential Failure Mode".

Step 41

Enter "Verification Procedures".

Step 42

Enter "Potential Effects of Failure".

Step 43

Enter "HACCP Records".

Step 44

Select "Severity".

Step 45

Click "Save" to complete this step or "Clear" to start over.

Step 46

Enter "Class".

Step 47

Add additional "Items" or click "Next" to go to the next section in report.

Step 48

Enter "Potential Causes of Failure".

Step 49

Enter "Current Process Controls".

Step 50

Select "Occurence".

Step 51

Select "Detection".

Step 52

Click here to save the "PFMEA Item" or select "Clear" to delete and start over.

Step 53

Add additional "Items" or click "Next" to go to the next section in report.

Step 54

Click here to create your report.

Step 55

Please correct the form

Step 56


Step 57

Click here to save the report

Step 58

Enter Password.

Step 59

Select a Reason Code

Step 60

Click Continue

Step 61

Click on the clock to see your activity.

Step 62

The activity tracker shows all activity for this report.

Step 63

Activities can be searched by key word or date range.

Step 64

The user, the action and the date/time is tracked and recorded here.

Step 65

Click on the blank space to go back to the report.