Step #1

Click here to access the CAPA sub-menu

Step #2

Click here

Step #3

Click here to create a Complaint Report

Step #4

Enter Complaint Number (Required)

Step #5

Enter the Date of the Complaint (Required)

Step #6

Click here to Create Complaint Report

Step #7

Select the Part ID

Step #8

Select the Error Code

Step #9

Enter who the Complaint was received by

Step #10

Select where the Complaint was received

Step #11

Enter Strain Name

Step #12

Enter "Batch / Lot #"

Step #13

Click Yes or No to indicate if the strain was purchased at a store

Step #14

Enter Store Information

Step #15

Enter any Comments from the Complainant

Step #16

Add an "Owner" to this report

Step #17

Add a "Subscriber"

Step #18

Upload any files associated with the Complaint

Step #19

Enter the Complainant's Full Name

Step #20

Enter the Complainant's Address

Step #21

Enter the Complainant's Phone Number

Step #22

Enter the Complainant's Email

Step #23

Enter Fax

Step #24

Enter the Date in which the complaint was received by QA

Step #25

Select the Complaint Category

Step #26

Is an Investigation Needed?

Step #27

Was the Part Returned?

Step #28

Was the Retention Sample Examined?

Step #29

Enter Immediate Actions taken

Step #30

Select the Department

Step #31

Select the Impact

Step #32

Enter Investigation

Step #33

Enter Root Cause

Step #34

Enter the Trend

Step #35

Enter the Action/Corrections Made

Step #36

Is CAPA needed?

Step #37

Was a Reply Sent to the Complainant?

Step #38

Was the Part Replaced?

Step #39

Was a Recall Required?

Step #40

Enter Comments / Notes

Step #41

Click here to Save the Report

Step #42

Enter Password

Step #43

Select a Reason Code

Step #44

Click Continue

Step #45

Click here to escalate to a corrective action

Step #46

Click Save & Close

Step #47

Click on the clock to see your activity.

Step #48

The activity tracker shows all activity for this report.

Step #49

Activities can be searched by key word or date range.

Step #50

The user, the action and the date/time is tracked and recorded here.

Step #51

Click on the blank space to go back to the report.

Step #52

Click on the gear to access Complaints Settings

Step #53

Enter "Form Name" (Optional).

Step #54

Enter "Revision Level" (Optional).

Step #55

Enter any helper text

Step #56

Click Save

Step #57

Click on the blank space to go back to the report.

Step #58

Click here to download your report