Step #1

Click here to reveal the "CAPA" sub-menu.

Step #2

Click here

Step #3

Click here to create a "OOS Report".

Step #4

Enter a "OOS#" (Required).

Step #5

Click "Create OOS Report"

Step #6

Enter "Date Requested"

Step #7

Enter "Batch Number"

Step #8

Click here to add additional "Owners" to this report.

Step #9

Click here to add a "Subscriber" (Optional).

Step #10

Upload associated files.

Step #11

Select "Impact"

Step #12

Add Departments. (Optional)

Step #13

Enter Sample Name

Step #14

Enter Sample ID

Step #15

Enter COA Number

Step #16

Enter Date

Step #17

Select an Error Code associated

Step #18

Enter Name

Step #19

Enter Description of Laboratory Investigation

Step #20

Select Yes/No based on whether the assignable cause was found.

Step #21

Identify if there are any recommended actions.

Step #22

Click Approve

Step #23

Complete this section by selecting Yes/No.

Step #24

Add other comments if necessary.

Step #25

Select if assignable cause has been identified.

Step #26

Enter Details

Step #27

If yes, enter associated CAPA#.

Step #28

Complete Conclusion

Step #29

Identify recommended action.

Step #30

Click Authorize

Step #31

Complete plan for additional testing

Step #32

Enter number of tests

Step #33

Enter number of laboratories.

Step #34

Click Authorize

Step #35

Enter results for additional testing.

Step #36

Select Yes/No to whether the results were within specification.

Step #37

Click Authorize

Step #38

If results are not within specification, enter CAPA#.

Step #39

Add approval to close OOS Investigation.

Step #40

Click to add signature.

Step #41

This OOS Report can be escalated to a Corrective Action, Change Control, or Deviation Report.

Step #42

Click Save

Step #43

Enter Password

Step #44

Select a Reason Code

Step #45

Click Continue

Step #46

Click Save & Close

Step #47

Enter Password

Step #48

Click Continue

Step #49

There is an option to re-open the report if necessary.

Step #50

If the report was created as a test run or by accident you may remove the report.

Step #51

Click on the clock to see your activity.

Step #52

The activity tracker shows all activity for this report.

Step #53

Activities can be searched by key word or date range.

Step #54

The user, the action and the date/time is tracked and recorded here.

Step #55

Click on the blank space to go back to the report.

Step #56

Click on the gear to access Out of Specification Settings

Step #57

Enter "Form Name" (Optional)

Step #58

Enter "Revision Level" (Optional).

Step #59

Enter any helper text

Step #60

Click Save

Step #61

Click on the blank space to go back to the report.

Step #62

Click here to download your report