Step #1

Click here to access the "Receiving Inspections" sub-menu.

Step #2

Click here to access "Receiving Inspections"

Step #3

Click here to create a "Receiving Inspection".

Step #4

Select the "Supplier" of your inventory.

Step #5

Enter your purchase order number.

Step #6

Enter the "Lot Serial #".

Step #7

Enter the "Requested Shipment Arrival Date".

Step #8

Is this shipment to be "Quarantined"?

Step #9

Select the raw material you are receiving.

Step #10

Start typing the product name or click "Add New" if this is the first time receiving this product.

Step #11

Select the "Batch #" or enter a new one

Step #12

Choose whether to activate batch on system upon receiving.

Step #13

Enter "QTY Accepted".

Step #14

Enter "QTY Rejected" (Optional).

Step #15

Select the "Unit of Measure".

Step #16

Click the check mark to finalize this line. To remove this line, click on the 'X'.

Step #17

Continue adding products to the "Receiving Inspection" (Optional).

Step #18

Attach any related documents (Optional).

Step #19

Enter "Notes" (Optional).

Step #20

Create Receiving Inspection

Step #21

Click "inspect" to fill out the associated template and finalize the receiving inspection for this batch.

Step #22

Confirm the Quantity Accepted

Step #23

Click Batch Records

Step #24

This batch can also be activated from here.

Step #25

Another Batch Record can be added here.

Step #26

Complete the template.

Step #27

Click Save

Step #28

Click Save & Finalize

Step #29

Go back to the Receiving Inspection module.

Step #30

Enter the "Actual Arrival Date" (Optional).

Step #31

Click here to save the changes.

Step #32

The recieving inspection is now closed. You are able to re-open the inspection by clicking here.

Step #33

Click here to continue to the product/part inspection or click 'x' to exit.

Step #34

Fill out all the required fields before clicking "Create Receiving Inspection" to save your work.

Step #35

Click here to save the changes.

Step #36

Click here to continue to the product/part inspection or click 'x' to exit.