Step #1

Click here to add a new "Product".

Step #2

Click "Create Product"

Step #3

Select a "Status".

Step #4

Select whether your product is a "Finished Product".

Step #5

Click the arrow key to find a "Parent Product" (Optional).

Step #6


Step #7

Enter "Product Number"

Step #8

Enter "Product Name"

Step #9

Enter "Current Lot / Batch Number" (Optional)

Step #10

Click to add "Part Types"

Step #11

Enter Re-order Point

Step #12

Enter Min Level

Step #13

Enter Max Level

Step #14

Enter "Revision Level" (Optional)

Step #15

Select a "Revision Date" (Optional)

Step #16

No Title

Step #17

Choose a "Supplier" (Optional)

Step #18

Link "Specifications" related to your product (Optional)

Step #19

Link "Customer" (Optional)

Step #20

Link "Equipment" (Optional)

Step #21

Choose the "Department" (Optional)

Step #22

Choose the "Unit Type" (Optional)

Step #23

Select the "Unit of Measure"

Step #24

Enter "Density" (Optional)

Step #25

Select the "Mass Unit" (Optional)

Step #26

Select the "Volume Unit"

Step #27

Enter "Acceptance Ratio (%)"

Step #28

Enter any "Notes" (Optional)

Step #29

Select a Fixed or Batch Based Cost Type.

Step #30

Click Create Product

Step #31

Start typing to select the materials of your "Finished Product" and add them to the bill of materials. Once completed click "Next".

Step #32

Enter the "Quantity" of the product needed.

Step #33

Select the "Unit of Measure".

Step #34

Click here to create a New Revision (Optional)

Step #35

Enter Revision Number

Step #36

Click Create

Step #37

Start typing to select the bi-products of the "Finished Product"

Step #38

Enter the Quantity of Bi-Product

Step #39

Enter the Unit of Measure

Step #40

Click Save Part

Step #41

Click "Save Part"

Step #42

Click here to lock/unlock your product

Step #43

Enter password

Step #44

Click Continue

Step #45

Click on the clock to see your activity.

Step #46

The activity tracker shows all activity for this product.

Step #47

Activities can be searched by key word or date range.

Step #48

The user, the action and the date/time is tracked and recorded here.

Step #49

Click on the blank space to go back to the report.