1. What is the purpose of adding a new document in the system?

    • Adding a new document in the Isolocity system allows you to centralize important information, such as Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), policies, and work instructions. Centralizing documents ensures that all team members have access to the most current and approved versions, promoting consistency, compliance, and efficient communication across your organization.

  2. How do I start the process of adding a new document?

    • To begin, log in to the Isolocity system and navigate to the "Documents" module by clicking on the "Documents" tab on the dashboard. Once there, click on "Add New Document" to access the document creation interface. This is where you’ll enter all the necessary details for your new document.

  3. What information do I need to provide when adding a new document?

    • You need to provide the document's name, type, author, and owners. Additionally, you’ll need to choose an approval matrix, which outlines the stages of approval the document must pass through before becoming effective. Optional fields include linking a parent document, selecting an associated department, and uploading any supporting files.

  4. How do I assign an approval matrix to a new document?

    • During the document creation process, you'll find an option to select an approval matrix. This matrix dictates the approval workflow that the document must follow. It’s best practice to assign this matrix when initially creating the document to ensure it follows the appropriate approval steps without delay.

  5. What is the difference between a Document Author and Document Owners?

    • The Document Author is the individual responsible for creating the document's content. In contrast, Document Owners are those who oversee the document’s lifecycle, including tracking revisions, managing approvals, and ensuring the document remains up-to-date. Owners typically hold higher authority within the approval process.

  6. How do I link a new document to a Parent Document?

    • If your new document is related to an existing document, such as a work instruction linked to an SOP, you can link it by selecting a "Parent Document" during the setup process. This helps in maintaining hierarchical relationships between documents, making it easier to navigate and manage related documents.

  7. Why is it important to select the correct Document Type?

    • The Document Type categorizes your document, making it easier to organize, search, and manage. Different types may have distinct workflows, approval processes, and compliance requirements. Selecting the correct type ensures that the document is handled properly and meets all necessary criteria.

  8. Can I create a new Document Type while adding a new document?

    • Yes, if you realize that a necessary Document Type is missing, you can create a new one by clicking "Add New" during the document creation process. Be sure to save your current work, as creating a new type will navigate you away from the document setup page.

  9. How do I assign the document to a specific department?

    • In the document creation interface, there’s an optional field to associate the document with a department. This field is for filtering & for the serialization of the documents.

  10. What happens after I click "Create Document"?

    • After clicking "Create Document," the system saves the document with all the provided details and initiates the approval process as per the assigned matrix. The document enters the first approval stage, and the relevant Document Owners and approvers are notified to begin their review.

  11. Can I make changes to a document after it has been created?

    • Yes, you can edit the document after its creation. However, any changes will typically require the document to go through the approval process again. Depending on the system’s settings, you may need to revert the document to an earlier stage or start a new revision cycle.

  12. How do I ensure proper version control of a document?

    • Version control is managed automatically by the system, with each revision being assigned a new version number. You can also manually enter revision numbers during updates. Maintaining accurate version control ensures that users always have access to the latest and correct version of the document, which is crucial for compliance and operational efficiency.

  13. What should I do if I need to upload supporting documents?

    • During the document creation process, there’s an option to upload associated files. This is particularly useful if the new document relies on or refers to other documents, images, or data files. Uploading all relevant documentation ensures that users have all necessary resources in one place.

  14. How do I finalize and publish the new document?

    • To finalize and publish the document, ensure that it passes through all the required approval stages as defined by the approval matrix. Once all approvals are complete, the document will be marked as "Effective," and it will be available for use by authorized users in your organization.

  15. What are the stages of document approval?

    • There are typically four stages of document approval in the system:

      • Initial Draft: Created and submitted by the author.

      • Stage 2 Draft Approval: Reviewed and approved by document owners.

      • Revisions (if necessary): Made if the document is not approved in the final draft stage.

      • Stage 3 Approved-Not Effective this is when the document is typically sent to employees for training. Once all training is complete it moves into the next & final stage

      • Stage 4 Final Approval

      • Effective: The document is finalized and circulated for use.

  16. How do I select who can edit the document?

    • When creating the document, you can specify whether it is currently being edited and by whom. By marking the document as "In Edit," you prevent other users from making changes until editing is complete. This control helps maintain document integrity and ensures that only authorized individuals can make changes during the editing process.

  17. Can I schedule regular reviews of the document?

    • Yes, you can schedule regular reviews by setting a review frequency during the document creation process. This frequency can be specified in days, weeks, or months, ensuring that the document is regularly reviewed and updated as needed. Regular reviews help maintain the document's relevance and compliance with current standards.

  18. How do I link the document to a training program?

    • If the document is part of a training program, you can link it during the creation process by selecting an associated training program from the available options. This link ensures that the document is included in the relevant training activities, helping employees understand and apply the information effectively.

  19. What happens if the document is not approved at a particular stage?

    • If the document is not approved at any stage, it will revert to a "Not Effective" status, and revisions will be required. The document will remain in this stage until all necessary changes are made and it is approved. This process ensures that only fully reviewed and accurate documents are circulated within the organization.

  20. How do I track the document’s approval progress?

    • You can track the document's progress through the approval stages via the document's details page. The system provides a real-time update on which stage the document is in, who has approved it, and any pending actions. This transparency helps ensure that the approval process is moving forward without unnecessary delays.

  21. What is the purpose of adding Document Owners?

    • Document Owners are individuals responsible for overseeing the document throughout its lifecycle. They ensure that the document is reviewed, revised, and approved as necessary. Owners receive notifications about changes and approvals, making them central to maintaining the document’s accuracy and relevance.

  22. Can I assign multiple owners to a document?

    • Yes, you can assign multiple owners to a document. This is especially useful in larger organizations where different departments or teams might be responsible for different aspects of the document. Multiple owners ensure that all relevant perspectives are considered during the approval process and also have the ability to edit the documents..

  23. How do I handle documents that require urgent approval?

    • For documents that require urgent approval, you can prioritize them by setting higher priority levels in the approval matrix or directly communicating the urgency to the relevant approvers. 

  24. Can I create a template from a new document?

    • Yes, once a document is finalized and approved, you can use it as a template for future documents. This is particularly useful for standardizing document formats and ensuring consistency across similar documents in your organization.

  25. How do I manage documents that need to be retired or archived?

    • When a document is no longer in use, it can be retired or archived within the system. This involves marking the document as inactive and moving it to an archive where it is still accessible for reference but not actively used. Properly managing document retirement ensures that only current and relevant documents are in circulation, reducing clutter and potential confusion.