1. What is the purpose of creating a new training program in Isolocity?

    • A new training program in Isolocity serves as a structured framework to deliver, manage, and track employee training. This program ensures that employees acquire the necessary skills, knowledge, and compliance certifications relevant to their roles. By creating a training program, you can standardize training across your organization, ensuring consistency and effectiveness in skill development.

  2. How do I begin creating a new training program?

    • To start creating a new training program, log in to the Isolocity system, navigate to the "Training Programs" section by clicking on the "Training Programs" tab from the main dashboard, and then click on "Create Training Program." This will open the interface where you can enter the details required to set up your new training program.

  3. What information do I need to provide when setting up a training program?

    • When setting up a training program, you will need to provide:

      • Title: The name of the training program.

      • Format: The format in which the training will be delivered (e.g., online, in-person).

      • Status: The current status of the program (e.g., active, inactive).

      • Training Type: The category under which the training falls.

      • Employee Group: The group or department that will be participating in the Test/ CheckList Training. For Document related training it is not required.

      • Training Description: A detailed description of what the training entails.

      • Relevant Files: Any supporting documents or materials.

      • Test Inclusion: Optionally, include a test to assess participants’ understanding.

  4. How do I select the appropriate format for a training program?

    • The format of a training program refers to how the training will be delivered, such as online modules, in-person workshops, or blended learning. Choose the format that best suits the content and the needs of the participants. For example, online formats might be preferable for scalable and flexible learning, while in-person sessions might be more suitable for hands-on training.

  5. Why is it important to set the status of the training program correctly?

    • Setting the status of the training program to "Active" or "Inactive" controls its availability to employees. An "Active" status means the program is ready for use, while "Inactive" may indicate that the program is still under development or no longer in use. Correctly setting the status ensures that only valid and current training programs are accessible to participants.

  6. How do I select the Training Type when creating a program?

    • During the setup, you’ll be prompted to choose a Training Type from a predefined list or create a new type if necessary. The Training Type categorizes the program, helping in organizing and tracking different kinds of training activities, such as compliance training, technical skills development, or leadership training.

  7. How do I assign the program to an Employee Group?

    • You can assign the training program to an Employee Group by sending out the Activity.

  8. What should I include in the Training Description?

    • The Training Description should provide a clear and detailed explanation of the program’s objectives, content, and expected outcomes. It should include information on what participants will learn, the duration of the program, and any prerequisites required. A well-crafted description helps set expectations and encourages engagement from participants.

  9. Why is it important to upload relevant files when creating a training program?

    • Uploading relevant files such as course materials, manuals, or guidelines ensures that participants have all the necessary resources to complete the training. These files support the training content and provide additional reference materials that enhance learning and understanding.

  10. How do I include a test in the training program?

    • You will be prompted to choose a Test or a Checklist prior to creation. You can choose an already created  test from a dropdown, when “Test”  is selected. Including a test allows you to assess participants’ understanding of the training material and ensure they have met the learning objectives.

  11. What is the purpose of setting a minimum passing score for the test?

    • Setting a minimum passing score ensures that participants have achieved a certain level of understanding before they are considered to have successfully completed the training. This helps maintain high standards of knowledge and competence within the organization.

  12. How do I determine the maximum number of test attempts allowed?

    • The maximum number of test attempts can be set based on the importance of the training and the desired level of mastery. Limiting attempts encourages participants to thoroughly prepare before taking the test, while offering multiple attempts can provide a safety net for learning from mistakes.

  13. What does it mean to randomize test questions?

    • Randomizing test questions means that each participant receives a different set of questions or a different order of questions each time they take the test. This reduces the likelihood of cheating and ensures that participants are genuinely learning the material, rather than memorizing specific answers.

  14. How do I select the appropriate Employee Group for the training?

    • When selecting an Employee Group, consider the roles and responsibilities of the employees who need to complete the training. Grouping employees by department, role, or project team allows you to tailor the training to their specific needs and ensures that the right participants are enrolled in the program.

  15. How do I set the status of the training program to active?

    • After entering all the necessary details, the status of the training program is automatically set to "Active". 

  16. How do I manage the tests included in a training program?

    • Tests included in a training program can be managed through the Test Builder interface, where you can create new questions, set passing criteria, and configure the test settings. This management ensures that the tests accurately reflect the training content and effectively measure participants’ understanding.

  17. How do I customize the training program checklist?

    • The training program checklist can be customized by dragging and dropping form elements to create the necessary steps or tasks that participants must complete. This checklist helps ensure that all required activities are tracked and that participants follow the correct sequence of steps during the training.

  18. Why is it important to include detailed descriptions in test questions?

    • Including detailed descriptions in test questions helps clarify what is being asked and ensures that participants fully understand the question before answering. Clear, well-written questions reduce confusion and improve the reliability of the test results.

  19. How do I ensure that the training program aligns with organizational goals?

    • To align the training program with organizational goals, ensure that the content addresses key competencies, regulatory requirements, and strategic objectives of the organization. Regularly review and update the training program to reflect changes in business priorities or industry standards.

  20. How do I handle the integration of external content into a training program?

    • External content, such as videos, articles, or industry-specific guidelines, can be integrated into the training program by uploading these files or linking to external resources. Ensure that all external content is relevant, up-to-date, and complements the internal training materials to enhance the learning experience.

  21. What should I do if I need to update an existing training program?

    • If an existing training program needs updating, navigate to the "Training Programs" section, select the program you wish to update, and make the necessary changes. Updates might include revising content, adding new modules, or modifying the associated tests. After making updates, ensure that the program is reactivated if it was set to inactive during the editing process.

  22. How do I assess the effectiveness of a training program?

    • The effectiveness of a training program can be assessed by analyzing test results, participant feedback, and performance improvements observed after the training. Regularly reviewing these metrics allows you to refine the training content and delivery methods to better meet the needs of the organization and its employees.

  23. Can I duplicate a training program for use with a different group?

    • No you can not duplicate an existing training program, but the same training program can be assigned to multiple documents.

  24. How do I ensure that the training program is completed on time by all participants?

    • To ensure timely completion, set clear deadlines, send regular reminders, and monitor progress through the "Training Programs" section. Supervisors can also be notified to follow up with participants who are lagging behind. Consistent monitoring and communication help keep participants on track.

  25. What are the next steps after a training program is completed?

    • After a training program is completed, the next steps would be to assign that Training program to a Training Activity.