1. What is an Employee Group in the Isolocity system, and why is it important?

    • An Employee Group in the Isolocity system is a categorized collection of employees, usually grouped by department, role, or project team. Creating and managing Employee Groups is important because it simplifies the assignment of training, tasks, and responsibilities, ensuring that relevant processes are streamlined and efficiently managed across the organization.

  2. How do I start the process of adding a new Employee Group?

    • To begin adding a new Employee Group, log in to the Isolocity system and navigate to the "Human Resources" section by clicking on the "Human Resources" tab on the main dashboard. In many cases this tab may have been renamed to “Training Manager” . This section is where you manage all employee-related functions.

  3. What is the next step after accessing the Human Resources section?

    • After accessing the Human Resources section, click on the "Employee Groups" option. In many cases this tab may have been renamed to “Training Manager”. This will take you to the interface where you can manage existing groups and create new ones.

  4. How do I create a new Employee Group?

    • To create a new Employee Group, click on the "Create An Employee Group" button within the Employee Groups interface. This action will open a form where you can enter the necessary details to set up the new group.

  5. What information is required when creating an Employee Group?

    • When creating an Employee Group, you need to provide the following information:

      • Group Name: A unique name that clearly identifies the group.

      • Status: Whether the group will be "Active" or "Inactive."

      • Review Date: The date on which the group’s status or composition will be reviewed.

      • Frequency: How often the group’s status or training needs should be reviewed.

      • Duration: The length of time the group will remain active before review or reactivation.

  6. Why is it important to set the status of the Employee Group as Active or Inactive?

    • Setting the status to "Active" makes the Employee Group functional, meaning it can be assigned tasks, training, and other responsibilities. If set to "Inactive," the group is essentially on hold, and its members won’t be assigned new duties until it’s reactivated. This setting helps in managing temporary or project-based groups efficiently.

  7. How do I enter the Group Name, and what should it represent?

    • Enter the Group Name in the designated field when creating the group. The name should be descriptive and clearly reflect the group’s purpose or the department it belongs to, such as "HR Team" or "Project A Team." This ensures that the group is easily identifiable within the system.

  8. What is the purpose of setting a Review Date for the Employee Group?

    • The Review Date is the date on which the group’s composition, status, and needs will be reassessed. Setting a Review Date ensures that the group remains relevant and aligned with current organizational needs. Regular reviews help in making necessary adjustments to the group’s membership or status.

  9. How do I determine the Frequency for reviewing the Employee Group?

    • The Frequency refers to how often the group should be reviewed, an example would be selecting a frequency of “12” and the duration could be ex: ”Months”. This setting helps ensure that the group’s composition and activities are regularly evaluated, keeping them aligned with organizational goals and ensuring that group members remain up-to-date with their responsibilities and training.

  10. What does setting the Duration for the Employee Group involve?

    • The Duration specifies the amount of “time”. An example could be selecting a frequency of “12” and the duration could be ex: ”Months”. This setting is important for groups that are formed for specific projects or time-limited tasks, ensuring they are deactivated when no longer needed, thereby maintaining an organized and efficient system.

  11. What should I do after filling out all the required fields?

    • After filling out all the required fields, review the information to ensure accuracy and completeness. Once confirmed, click on the "Create Employee Group" button to finalize the creation of the group. This action will save the group in the system and activate it for use.

  12. Can I edit an Employee Group after it has been created?

    • Yes, you can edit an Employee Group after its creation. To do this, navigate to the "Employee Groups" section, select the group you wish to edit, and update the necessary details. Editing might include changing the group’s name, status, review date, or membership.

  13. How do I manage the members of an Employee Group?

    • Members can be added or removed from an Employee Group by selecting the group from the "Employee Groups" interface and updating the membership list. This feature allows you to keep the group’s composition current and reflective of its intended purpose.

  14. What happens if an Employee Group is set to Inactive?

    • If an Employee Group is set to "Inactive," it will no longer be functional in the system. This means that its members won’t be assigned new tasks, training, or responsibilities until the group is reactivated. This status is useful for managing groups that are no longer needed or are on hold.

  15. Can I assign an Employee Group to specific tasks or projects?

    • Employee groups are used to assign training & provide View access to documents

  16. How do I ensure that Employee Groups are aligned with organizational structure?

    • To align Employee Groups with the organizational structure, create groups that reflect the departments, roles, or project teams within your organization. Regularly review these groups to ensure they remain consistent with any structural changes, such as departmental reorganizations or new project teams.

  17. How do I view all existing Employee Groups in the system?

    • You can view all existing Employee Groups by navigating to the "Employee Groups" section within the Human Resources module. This page provides an overview of all groups, including their names, statuses, and key details, allowing you to manage them effectively.

  18. Can I assign multiple Employee Groups to a single project?

    • Yes, multiple Employee Groups can be assigned to a single project, depending on the project’s requirements. This is useful for cross-departmental Training & Documents where collaboration between different teams is necessary. Assigning multiple groups ensures that all relevant employees are included in the project.

  19. How do I deactivate an Employee Group temporarily?

    • To temporarily deactivate an Employee Group, change its status from "Active" to "Inactive" in the group’s settings. This action will pause the group’s activities without permanently deleting it, allowing you to reactivate it later if needed.

  20. What should I consider when setting the Frequency of reviews for an Employee Group?

    • When setting the Frequency of reviews, consider the nature of the group’s activities, the stability of its membership, and the importance of regular updates. For dynamic or high-turnover groups, more frequent reviews (e.g., monthly) may be necessary, while stable groups might only need annual reviews.

  21. How do I communicate changes in Employee Group composition to its members?

    • Changes in Employee Group composition can be communicated through system notifications or direct communication from managers. Ensuring that members are informed about changes helps maintain transparency and ensures that everyone understands their roles within the group.

  22. What are the next steps after creating an Employee Group?

    • After creating an Employee Group, the next steps involve adding them to documents or Training programs & then associating them with Employees.