1. What is the purpose of creating a new Equipment Template in the Isolocity system?

    • The purpose of creating a new Equipment Template in the Isolocity system is to develop standardized forms that are required to be filled out during equipment inspections. These templates ensure consistency in the inspection process, help maintain compliance with safety and quality standards, and provide a systematic approach to tracking and documenting equipment conditions.

  2. How do I start the process of creating a new Equipment Template?

    • To start the process, log in to the Isolocity system and navigate to the Templates section where templates are managed. Click on the "Create Template" option to begin setting up a new template.

  3. What information do I need to provide when creating a new Equipment Template?

    • You need to provide the following information:

      • Template Name: A descriptive name for the template.

      • ID/Number: A unique identifier for the template.

      • Template Type: Specify whether the template is for "Equipment" or another category like "Part" or "Activity."

      • Operations: Add Criteria

      • Characteristics: Define the specific characteristics or criteria that need to be inspected.

      • Optional Fields: Such as revision level, revision date, and any notes.

  4. What is the significance of selecting a Template Type?

  5. How do I link a product or activity to the Equipment Template?

  6. Can I copy an existing template to create a new one?

    • Yes, you can use the "Copy Existing" feature to duplicate an existing template. This is beneficial when you have pre-loaded specification lists that closely match the new template you want to create, allowing you to customize the copied content to meet the specific needs of the new inspection.

  7. How do I add or edit characteristics in the Equipment Template?

    • Characteristics can be added or edited in the section dedicated to inspection criteria. This includes defining what needs to be measured or observed during the inspection, such as "Visual Check" or "Quantity."

  8. What are characteristics in an Equipment Template?

    • Characteristics are the specific checks or criteria that need to be evaluated during an inspection. These can include measurements, visual assessments, and other factors that determine the equipment’s condition or compliance with standards.

  9. Can I make certain characteristics optional in the template?

    • Yes, you can designate certain characteristics as optional. Optional characteristics do not impact the overall pass or fail outcome of the inspection, providing flexibility in the inspection process.

  10. How do I set a tolerance for a characteristic?

    • Tolerances are set to define acceptable ranges for measurements or observations. Various methods, such as "+/-," "Pass/Fail," or "Acceptable/Unacceptable," can be used depending on the nature of the characteristic.

  11. What is the purpose of the Inspection Method in the template?

    • The Inspection Method provides guidance on how each characteristic should be inspected, including the tools and procedures required. This ensures that inspections are performed consistently and according to established standards.

  12. How do I attach relevant files to the Equipment Template?

  13. What is the significance of tracking the revision level and date?

    • Tracking the revision level and date helps maintain accurate records of updates made to the template. This ensures that inspectors use the most current version, reflecting any changes in inspection standards or procedures.

  14. How do I manage authorization for template usage?

    • Authorization for template usage can be managed by specifying which users are allowed to access and edit the template. This control ensures that only qualified personnel can perform inspections using the template.This is a setting that can be enabled.

  15. What should I do after creating the Equipment Template?

    • After creating the template, review all details for accuracy and completeness. Once verified, click "Approve" to finalize the template, making it available for use in inspections.

  16. Can I download a template for offline use?

  17. How do I update an Equipment Template after approval?

    • To update a template, access the template settings, and either create a new revision or re-open the Template to  make the necessary changes. Be sure to update the revision level and date to reflect the changes.

  18. How do I remove a characteristic from the template?

    • Characteristics can be removed by clicking the "Remove" option next to the characteristic in the template editor. This action ensures that only relevant criteria are included in future inspections.

  19. What should I do if I need to create a similar template for different equipment?

    • Use the "Copy Existing" feature to duplicate the current template and then modify it as needed for the different equipment. This approach saves time and ensures consistency across templates.

  20. How do I manage multiple templates for the same equipment?

    • Multiple templates can be managed by clearly naming and identifying them according to their specific use cases, such as "Routine Inspection" or "Maintenance Check."

  21. What is the process for approving an Equipment Template?

    • After entering all required information and characteristics, click "Approve," enter your password, and confirm the approval. This step finalizes the template, making it available for use in the system.

  22. How do I ensure that the template is ready for inspection use?

    • Ensure that all required fields are filled, optional characteristics are correctly set, relevant files are attached, and the template has been approved. This preparation guarantees that the template is ready for practical use.

  23. What is the importance of entering a Revision Date?

    • Entering a Revision Date helps keep track of when the template was last updated, ensuring that inspections are conducted using the latest standards and criteria.

  24. Can I add authorized users after the template is created?

    • Yes, authorized users can be added at any time by editing the template settings. This allows you to control who can access and utilize the template for inspections.

  25. What are the next steps after finalizing an Equipment Template?

    • After finalizing an Equipment Template, you should integrate it into your inspection schedule, train relevant personnel on its use, and periodically review the template to ensure it remains effective and up-to-date. You must also ensure that you Equipment template is properly linked to an Equipment