Click here to view the"Adding a new equipment Template" video

Step #1

Title: Click here to create a Template/Specification

Step Type: Balloon

Text: The purpose is to create fillable templates that are required to be filled out in an inspection. This could include; routine sanitation, nutrient and additive tracking, part quality inspections, process inspections, process change overs, etc.

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Step #2

Title: Click here to create Template

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Step #3

Title: Enter a name for your Template or click "Copy Existing" to edit an existing Template.

Text: "Copy Existing" is recommended if you already have some pre-loaded specification lists that have similar characteristics to the one you want to build. It will import all of the criteria over and allow you to customize from here.

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Step #4

Title: Enter an ID/Number for your Template.

Text: This is the number or name that is used to identify whether the product was inspected using this list.  You can choose to use the same identifier as the Name or use a shortened form specific to your organization. For example, some vape users might use the ID: GJ-INS for Green Juice Inspection

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Step #5

Title: Select what this template will be used for:  "Equipment" or "Part or Activity"

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Step #6

Title: Select a "Product Number" from the existing list of products or Click "Product" or "Activity" to add a new product/activity that you want to be linked to this list.

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Step #7

Text: Choosing to create a new "Product" or "Activity" will navigate away from this page. It is recommended that you have completed the rest of the form and saved your work before proceeding with this step.

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Step #8

Title: Attach files relevant to the Template (Optional)

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Step #9

Title: Enter "Revision Level" (Optional).

Text: Track the revision level of the templates.

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Step #10

Title: Enter "Revision Date" (Optional).

Text: Track the revision date of the templates.

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Step #11

Title: Enter any Notes here

Step Type: Balloon

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Step #13

Title: Edit your copied characteristics to match the new specification lists' needs.

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Step #14

Title: Enter additional characteristics for this specification list.

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Step #15

Title: Select whether you want this characteristic to be optional during the inspection.

Text: Note: If you choose to make it optional, this characteristic will not affect the pass or fail calculation.

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Step #16

Title: Choose whether a signature is required for the completion of this step in the inspection.

Text: Identifies if that line item in the inspection requires a sign off verification. These sign offs allow for duel verifications (two signatures).

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Step #17

Title: Hover over this box and a pencil will appear. Clicking on it will allow you change the name of the titles of this template.

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Step #18

Title: Enter the "Characteristic" you want to measure or observe.

Text: Examples of characteristics can be "Visual Check", "Quantity", "Comments/Corrective Actions". 

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Step #19

Title: Note:

Text: Please enter a characteristic to reveal next step in the tutorial.

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Step #20

Title: Enter the "Operation"

Text: This is the category that the characteristic falls under. It can also simply state the name of the template.

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Step #21

Title: Note:

Text: Please enter an operation to reveal the next step in the tutorial.

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Step #22

Title: Enter the "Quantity" or "Nominal Dimensions".

Text: This is the quantity or dimension that the inspector needs to look for. For example, if the product needs to measure 20 cm in length the value in this field would be 20. (Optional)

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Step #23

Title: Select the "Unit" of measure for this characteristic.

Step Type: Balloon

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Step #24

Title: This is the "Tolerance" for this characteristic.

Text: You can choose between 5 different methods of defining the tolerance:+/- : allows the length to only fall + or - of the measurement defined in the "QTY "pass or fail: inspector can only choose whether the product has passed or failed while testing for this characteristic acceptable or unacceptable: regardless of the answer this line will pass and will come with a text boxes/no/N/A: regardless of the answer this line will pass and will come with a text box text input (pass/fail): allows inspector to input their observations in words and includes a pass/fail selection text input: allows the inspector to input their observations in words, text inputs will automatically pass this section multiple choice: allows the inspector to select from the added items Select a Tolerance method.

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Step #25

Title: Select the "Inspection Method" (Optional).

Text: If you already have an inspection method uploaded to the equipment module, you can associate it here. You can also "Add New" to create a new one, however if you navigate away from this page your current work may be lost. It is recommended to come back to this step after you have saved your work.

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Step #26

Title: Choose a piece of "Equipment" (Optional).

Text: This associates previously added with this step in your inspection. You can add measurement tools or items that will help determine the pass or fail factor of this characteristic. Examples include scales, rulers, etc. You can also "Add New" if the equipment has not been added yet. This will navigate away from this page, so ensure that you have saved your work before completing this step.

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Step #27

Title: Click "Save".

Text: This saves the characteristic to your list.

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Step #28

Title: Note:

Text: You can also click "Remove" to delete the characteristic from this list.

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Step #29

Title: Click "Download Template" to download the specifications list template.

Text: You can use this template to create a specifications list offline instead of filling out the form here. This is recommended if you already have files with procedures for inspections that are more easily translated into excel or .csv format. Optional

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Step #30

Title: Complete the same steps for the next characteristics you want to add to this list.

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Step #31

Title: Click here to "Add New Template".

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Step #32

Title: Click here to add Authorized Users

Text: Please note: If you are not an authorized user you will not be able to open/edit inspections that use this template.

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Step #33

Title: Click Approve

Text: Once the Template is created and finalized, you can approve it so it is available to be filled out for an inspection.

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Step #34

Title: Enter Password

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Step #35

Title: Click Continue

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